
The Juan, Part 6

The World’s Most Famous Mexican Detective

This book is now available in the Amazon Kindle Store 
The Juan: The World's Greatest, Most Famous Mexican Detective 
(Who's taking my tacos?... and where's my Zippychew?)

Episode title: She is Increda Bull
*****Be sure to rate the book on Amazon*****
(This is a totally fictional character and humorous story)
Every episode has its own links to various things.
Here are the ones for this chapter, along with some other great stuff:
Psych Pineapple Concentration Game -- link changed from book, look for the pineapple puzzle game


New Sarah's World book coming soon!

We are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of our new kids book, Sarah’s World: The summer to remember. It is a compilation of our three previous Sarah books (Sarah and Pcee, Sarah looks out the window, and The Nickname) along with the addition of two new stories and an introductory prelude.

The introduction takes us to school with Sarah, and there’s just a couple of days left before summer begins. This brief view at school gives us an idea of the kind of student Sarah is and shows her excitement for the summer to follow.

In the introduction, we also see Sarah’s pleasant family life. This first look at her family shows how encouraging, supportive and loving her parents are, and sets the tone for the stories in Sarah’s World. There is real fun to be had by young ones as they are given the freedom to explore and do things under the watch-care of loving parents.

We’ll keep you informed as to when it is available on Amazon Kindle.

Thank you for reading what noeandcindy.write !