
"Pride and Prejudice" and "Mr Darcy falls in love" side by side

Noe and I have recently been reading our book, Mr Darcy falls in love, along with Pride and Prejudice just for the enjoyment of it. Of course, when writing it, we diligently referred to her incomparable book many times so as to write our story from Darcy's point of view with the same timeline and events.

Here's a section I really enjoy, where the two stories are discussing the same episode, one through Lizzy's eyes and the other through Darcy's. I hope you enjoy it too!

Pride and Prejudice:

and now ... 
Mr Darcy falls in love:

We would love to hear your comments
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Pride and Prejudice movie characters, part 16

Elizabeth Bennet

Lizzy is supposed to be the second prettiest girl of the reported beauties in the area where Charles Bingley decides to take up residence, surpassed only by her sister Jane. One of her more endearing qualities is described here: “There was a mixture of sweetness and archness in her manner which made it difficult for her to affront anybody; and Darcy had never been so bewitched by any woman as he was by her.” Her playful teasing nature is seen when she says to Charlotte that if she doesn’t confront Darcy soon she will grow afraid of him, and then, of course, she proceeds to confront him! She is also described as a very happy person. For instance, when she learns that her trip with her aunt and uncle is not going to be long, the book says this of her: “Elizabeth was excessively disappointed; she had set her heart on seeing the Lakes, and still thought there might have been time enough. But it was her business to be satisfied – and certainly her temper to be happy; and all was soon right again.”

As far as essential events of the book goes, the occasion of Lizzy staying at Netherfield is most important because it is at this time that Darcy becomes totally captivated by her. This sets up his not being able to get her out of his mind, and by the time he encounters her at Rosings, he is too much in love and must propose. 

Most of the actors that have played Elizabeth fail on these most important aspects of her personality: not giving offense because her manner is sweet, her lighthearted sense of humor, and her very happy disposition. My opinion of the first two actors mentioned below is that they are particularly bad in displaying the real Lizzy Bennet because they are too determined to fight and give offense to Mr. Darcy instead of just teasing him. If someone is going to make a Pride and Prejudice movie, they should definitely get the two main characters and the most critical events that propel the story along right, don’t you agree?

Let me now present my choice of who plays the best Elizabeth Bennet:

Bride and Prejudice - Aishwarya Rai Bachchan as Lalita Bakshi. Despite the fact that I like this Bollywood style adaptation, Aishwarya Rai is the most combative Lizzy of the five versions we’ve been discussing and is therefore the least likely to make Mr. Darcy fall for her. She is mean when they first meet at the dance and when Darcy tries to make conversation about the arranged marriage that has brought everyone together. When they are at the next dance, she rudely dumps Darcy for Wickham, and she lashes out at him more than you expect Elizabeth to do. So, even though I love this movie, this portrayal of Elizabeth Bennet is way off.

1995 - Jennifer Ehle. Her conduct to Mr. Darcy when she is staying at Netherfield nursing Jane is also pretty confrontational. What makes this so bad is, it is at this time that Darcy, being presented with such sweetness combined with her displaying no desire to put herself forward to appeal to him and having no qualms about teasing him, finds her so irresistible. The way Ehle plays the part - or is directed to play the part - makes this most important part of the storyline unbelievable. And quite often, her face is expressionless when she should be showing some kind of emotions. I will say, though, this adaptation definitely gets better by the fourth episode.

2005 - Keira Knightley. I must say, Keira brings out Elizabeth’s pleasant teasing and good humored qualities very well in this movie. But one problem I have with this version is the way they hurry the story along in an effort to fit bits and pieces together in such a fashion that the real story is not given time to develop. They would have done much better leaving those long spaces when they’re just showing scenery (or dancing and such) out in order to give us more of the story and avoid that sense of having seen a movie via commercials. I mention this because it takes away from Knightley’s portrayal of Elizabeth Bennet.

1940 - Greer Garson is too old to have played Lizzy when she did, but she does such a fine job with the part. The scene with Darcy trying to teach her how to shoot a bow and arrow is brilliant. Yes, I know this is not in the book, but it helps you see reasons why Darcy would begin to have feelings for Lizzy. Also when Elizabeth is nursing Jane and she and Caroline are taking a turn about the room and she says, “If my leaving the room is a punishment to you, Mr. Darcy, you are quite right - my character reading is not very good.” (This may not be an exact quote, but it’s close enough.) There are many other scenes where Garson shines as Elizabeth Bennet, and if you have not seen this one, I highly recommend it because it sticks so closely to the spirit of the book and presents P&P as the charming heartfelt story that it is.

1980 - Elizabeth Garvie. It may surprise everyone to know that Garvie is my favorite Lizzy Bennet, but I base my feelings on how Jane Austen describes this character - she is happy, witty, and perfectly charming, not to mention very pretty indeed. This is the person I can imagine Darcy falling in love with despite his best efforts not to. I really wish they would have spent more money on doing this one as well as they later did the 1995 adaptation, because then Garvie’s work would be shown in its best light. But since it was a low budget film and a gathering of mostly mediocre actors, her portrayal of Lizzy Bennet is not going to be appreciated as it should. I highly recommend watching this version, or skipping through to the best scenes if you’re not able to stand seeing the whole thing, just to see Elizabeth Bennet come to life on the screen by Garvie’s performance.

Elizabeth Garvie

Pride and Prejudice movie characters, part 15

Mrs. Bennet

Jane Austen describes Mrs. Bennet in her classic tale this way: "She was a woman of mean understanding, little information, and uncertain temper. When she was discontented, she fancied herself nervous. The business of her life was to get her daughters married; its solace was visiting and news."

Let's take a look at Mrs. Bennet in the movie versions we've been highlighting ...

2005 - Brenda Blethyn - The overall quality of this movie is just so bad, and this portrayal of Mrs. Bennet is in keeping with that. She lacks the vibrancy and vitality of Mrs. Bennet, who is determined to get her daughters married and is always working toward that end. Ms. Blethyn comes across as all washed up in this version. There is a kind of symmetry here, however, given the fact that this version also has the worst Mr. Bennet. It's really sad that so many people have only seen this version, and yet in praise of Jane Austen, they still love the story even so.

1980 - Priscilla Morgan is one of the bright spots in this BBC production. Because of her, the terrible portrayal of the Mr. Bennet character is made easier to tolerate. When you compare the way Ms. Morgan says her lines to most of the other actors, who seem to just be waiting for their cue and then sound as if they are reading their lines, she at least sounds more like she's talking than reading. The entire production just makes you want to shake your head, because if everyone would have actually been acting, this version would come across more like professionals were behind its making and not like a high school play.

These next three are my favorites and each in their unique way capture Mrs. Bennet as described by Austen.

Bride and Prejudice - Nadira Babbar is an excellent Mrs. Bennet (or Bakshi in this version). You can't have a real Mrs. Bennet unless she is embarrassing in public, pushy and ill-tempered at home. And because it is based on Pride and Prejudice, it also has to be done with a bit of a sense of humor, not in the way the lines are delivered, but in the way the scenes are set up. This version delivers all that! Nadira is one of my favorites because she fits the bill in all those areas.

1940 - Mary Boland plays Mrs. Bennet in my favorite movie version of P&P. Given the fact that this character is such a prominent figure for the story to unfold as it does in the book (even if there are divergences from it in bringing it to the screen, as in this case), not having a good Mrs. Bennet would mean not having a good movie. This is a great movie, and Mary Boland does her part in making it so. I love the opening scene where she, Jane and Lizzy are in the shop talking to Mrs. Lucas and after finding out about Mr. Bingley, she rushes to gather all the other girls so they can rush home to tell Mr. Bennet about it. Just how you would imagine Mrs. Bennet to act!

1995 - Alison Steadman - Having five hours to develop the characters is a big advantage of this adaptation, and unlike the 1980 BBC version, this one does a good job. Ms. Steadman is so good in this part that the extra time allowed for Mrs. Bennet enhances the entire movie. Nothing could better highlight how Alison nails the part of Mrs. Bennet down pat than the scene where she has just heard that her brother has found Lydia and arranged for Wickham and her to marry. How she goes from praising her brother to criticizing him in the space of two sentences, and the absurdity of rejoicing in the fact that her daughter is to be married to Wickham when moments earlier she was talking about what a scoundrel his is -- perfect Mrs. Bennet!

Nadira Babbar
Mary Boland

Alison Steadman