
The Juan, Part 1

The World’s Most Famous Mexican Detective
This book is now available in the Amazon Kindle Store 

The Juan: The World's Greatest, Most Famous Mexican Detective 
(Who's taking my tacos?... and where's my Zippychew?)

Episode title: Juan's Beloved Zippychew
Every episode has its own links to various things.
Here are the ones for this chapter:
Pancho and Lefty by Willie Nelson and Merle Haggard
Kid cyber: Dingos

Here's a question...

We've been getting a lot of people come check out our blog cartoons/stories -- 
not as many as we'd like, mind you :-) 
... but still ...
So I thought to myself, let me ask you: which do you like the most?
Fred & Ted
Tucker & Clank
Dad & Son
-- or, our newest --
Famous Mexican Detective, The Juan

If you haven't had the pleasure of viewing all these, just look to the right side of the blog for the links to all of them, and please go check 'em out.

And maybe, just maybe, you can leave a comment to let us know you did.
For instance, you can say which drawings you like best -- Noe does all the drawings, I get them ready for posting and insert the words Noe writes, or put those funny little font characters and stuff in them.
You could say which one made you laugh the most.
Perhaps let us know the ones you didn't like that much. 
Well, sometimes people are just shy about leaving comments...

Thank you for reading what noeandcindy.write !