
The Sun Also Shines for me

featuring Georgiana Darcy

Get your copy, hot off the press! Or straight from the digital world, whichever you prefer ;)

In this story, we took shy Georgiana Darcy and the undaunted Mary Bennet and made them close friends. (See our previous post about Mary) You may remember, Pride and Prejudice describes Georgiana as being so shy she can barely speak among strangers. Quite likely, after a year of being with her brother and Elizabeth, she would have grown out of that, at least somewhat. Jane Austen says at the end of P&P: “Georgiana had the highest opinion in the world of Elizabeth” and that from Lizzy “her mind received knowledge which had never before fallen in her way.”

You can imagine then, that Lizzy’s sisters Mary and Georgiana would have come to know one another through their new connection. We felt showing these two girls associating and drawing close—in effect drawing strength from each other—would make for a great story. The natural response of their friendship shows us a maturing of each one, bringing them out from the background and allowing them to display what fine qualities lay hidden from our view. Hence, we considered the appropriate title for our new book should be The Sun Also Shines for me, because it does for both of them. 

In writing our novel, we did not want to make the characters of Mary and Georgiana so altered from P&P that they would be unrecognizable; rather, we wanted them to be like a relative you haven't seen since the last family reunion ... you know who they are, they're just older and more mature. We aimed for our readers to have a feeling of familiarity with P&P, focusing the light on these two girls who had been hiding in the shadows, as it were. We just know you’ll enjoy it! 

It is currently available on in paperback and Kindle format, CreateSpace, Barnes and Noble, and will soon be available on other book websites as well. (In case you can't tell on your browser, the bold words are links to those webpages)

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