
Recommended Book: The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy

Lavender fields are so beautiful, and the scent of pure lavender is heavenly. I love using essential oils for our health, so I wanted to tell about this superb reference book, The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy. The author, Valerie Ann Worwood, seems to know everything there is to know about essential oils and their proper uses, and she shares her knowledge in a way that encourages us to gather up a small supply of pure essential oils and get busy using them.

First, the book tells us that essential oils are different than chemical drugs in that the oils do not remain in the body and leave us filled with toxins. Many people just don't realize how effective essential oils are at things, such as cleaning the air we breathe while at the same time leaving a beautiful scent behind, or how to start using them for the health of your entire family. They are so much more than just a pleasant smell.

There are 18 chapters, 423 pages and tons of recipes in this book. After learning "How To Use This Book", we are shown what oils belong in our Basic Care Kit or Basic Travel Kit, with a brief summary of each oil and recipes for common applications. Chapter 4 is Occupational Oils for the Working Man and Woman, covering topics like interviews and exams, burns, back problems, repetitive strains, post-viral syndrome, muscular fatigue, the workaholic heart, stress (a very specific section with lots of recipe blends), burnout and more -- I could repeat the phrase "and more" about each chapter, but let me just give you an idea about some of them:

Chapter 5 is for sports, dance and workouts
Chapter 6 teaches us The Fragrant Way to Beauty with wrinkle preventive recipes for the over-20s, 30s, 40s and 50s
Chapter 7, The Body Beautiful, gives us Fat Attack and Anti-Cellulite recipes; and attention is also given to the arms, hands, breasts, nails, and feet
Chapter 8 is all about the hair
Chapter 9 for babies and children
Chapter 10 covers the Woman's Natural Choice for pregnancy, postnatal care, miscarriage, infertility, menstrual problems, menopause and gynecological problems
Chapter 11 is The Natural Choice for Men, with important subjects like heart care, liver, and balding issues; each section with recipes a man will not just tolerate, but he’ll really love
Chapter 12 is for the Maturing Years and all its many troubles
The next few chapters are for the home, cooking, natural pet health, the garden (and getting rid of pests of all kinds), followed by 3 appendixes and the index.

This book is so full of practical advice, knowledge about health issues and fun things to do with essential oils! To help you know how to use your essential oils to the full, you definitely should get a copy of this book, appropriately called The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy . . .

Great links:
Kyley Zimmerman’s book: Aromatherapy for Beginners - 5 Oils Toolkit
Aura Cacia essential oils
Dreaming Earth Botanicals essential oils
Mountain Rose essential oils
National Geographic Lavender fields wallpaper -- the photo I used above


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